Fluid vs. Crystallized Intelligence.

v    Crystallized

Ø     Gc = ability to use prior learning (e.g., vocabulary)

Ø     Using what one has already learned thru schooling & experience

Ø     facts, expertise

Ø     general information, word comprehension, numerical abilities

v    Fluid

Ø     Gf = understanding complex relations and learning (e.g., PMA Reasoning)

Ø     using one's mind in new & flexible ways

Ø     actively solve new problems

Ø     reasoning, seeing relationships among stimuli, drawing inferences

Ø     not 'taught', free of cultural influence

Ø     "on-the-spot reasoning ability, a skill not basically dependant on our experience." (Belsky, 1990, p. 125)


This material is supplemental in nature.  It is not meant to take the place of notes from class attendance or your textbook.  I reserve the right to add, delete, or otherwise modify the material at any time.