Learning on a schedule
- Continuous reinforcement - reinforcing a response each time it occurs; used most often when a new behavior is being conditioned
- Partial schedules - reinforcing only some responses
- Ratio schedules - deliver reinforcement after a certain number of responses
- Fixed ratio schedule - reinforcement occurs after a fixed number of responses
- Variable ratio schedule - reinforcement occurs after some average number of responses, but the number varies from reinforcement to reinforcement
- Interval schedules - deliver reinforcement after a certain amount of time has passed
- Fixed interval schedule - reinforcement occurs only if a fixed amount of time has passed since the previous reinforcer
- Variable interval schedule - reinforcement occurs only if a variable amount of time has passed since the previous reinforcer
- Responses which are reinforced intermittently are harder to extinguish
Identify the Reinforcement Schedule
Check your understanding of schedules of reinforcement in operant conditioning by indicating the type of schedule that would be in effect in each of the examples below. Indicate whether it is continuous reinforcement, fixed ration, variable ratio, fixed interval, or variable interval.
- Sarah is paid on a commission basis for selling computer systems. She gets a bonus for every third sale.
- Artie's parents let him earn some pocket money by doing yard work approximately once a week.
- Mort, who is in the fourth grade, gets a gold star from his teacher for every book he reads.
- Skip, a professional baseball player, signs an agreement that his salary increases will be renegotiated every third year.
- Courtney is training her dog to sit. On the average, she gives him a doggie treat every 3 time he sits. However, sometimes he gives him a treat right after he sits, and sometimes she waits until he has sat on command 5 times before he receives a treat.
- Fixed ratio - Each sale is a response and every third response earns a reinforcement
- Variable Interval - A varied amount of time elapses before the response of doing yard work can earn reinforcement
- Continuous Reinforcement - The designated response (reading a book) is reinforced (with a gold star) each and every time.
- Fixed Interval - a fixed time interval (three years) has to elapse before Skip can earn a salary increase (the reinforcer).
- Variable ratio - The dog is reinforced on the average every third time, although sometimes he receives reinforcement (the treat) after 1 desired response (sitting) and sometimes after 5.