Psychological Disorders - A Self Quiz

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  1. Which disorder occurs when symptoms that are not under voluntary control occur and there is no physical cause?
    1. Dissociation d/o
    2. Anxiety d/o
    3. Mood d/o
    4. Somatoform d/o
  2. A disorder that involves persistent, irrational concerns that force the performance of uncontrollable ritual actions is called
    1. Obsessive compulsive d/o
    2. Dissociative identity d/o
    3. Phobic d/o
    4. Somatoform d/o
  3. Ackmad has periods in which he is so depressed that he comes suicidal. At other times he is energetic and euphoric. He would probably receive the diagnosis of:
    1. Dysthmia
    2. Seasonal mood d/o
    3. Bipolar d/o
    4. Major depressive d/o
  4. A person who feels an excessive, irrational fear of specific objects and engages in efforts to escape and avoid them most likely has a
    1. Generalized anxiety d/o
    2. Dissociate identity d/o
    3. Phobic d/o
    4. Somatoform d/o
  5. The DSM-IV provides _______ for mental disorders.
    1. Categorical descriptions
    2. Treatment recommendations
    3. Theoretical causes
    4. Research suggestions
  6. This type of anxiety is associated w/ Generalized Anxiety d/o (GAD).
    1. Phobia
    2. Free-floating
    3. Panic attack
    4. Nervous breakdown
  7. Repetitive, ritualistic behavior such as handwashing, counting, or putting things in order that are associated w/ an anxiety state are called ______.
    1. Obsessions
    2. Compulsions
    3. Ruminations
    4. Phobias
  8. Rape or assault victims who continue to feel unpleasant emotional reactions for a long time after the incident would be diagnosed as having a(n)
    1. OCD
    2. Phobia
    3. GAD
    4. PTSD
  9. A major difference between major depressive d/o & bipolar d/o is that only in bipolar d/o do people have ______.
    1. Specific phobias
    2. Depression
    3. A biochemical imbalance
    4. Manic episodes
  10. Dissociative amnesia, fugue, and identity d/o share this characteristic.
    1. A separation of experience and memory
    2. Anxiety
    3. A split personality
    4. Wandering away from home or work
  11. The real name for multiple personalities is
    1. Schizophrenia
    2. Dissociative identity d/o
    3. Amnesiatic personality d/o
    4. None of these options; this diagnosis is no longer considered real
  12. A specific phobia is:
    1. Any phobia of a specific object or situation, along w/ a desire to avoid it
    2. The normal everyday hesitations we all experience
    3. Not a real problem
    4. A fear of having to put forth effort or commitment


1 - a; 2-a; 3-c; 4-c; 5-a; 6-b; 7-b; 8-d; 9-d; 10-a; 11-b; 12-a;

Fill in the Blank!

1. ________ is a type of anxiety d/o characterized by intrusive thoughts & urges to perform repetitive, ritualistic behavior.

2. The two main types of mood disorders are _______ & ______.

3. A persistent feeling of anxiety that is not clearly related to anything in particular is called ________.

4. A ________ d/o is a d/o that has real physical symptoms but no known cause.

5. The disorder that is commonly referred to as multiple personalities is called __________.

6. The disorder in which a person's behavior swings between mania & depression is called ___________.



1. OCD

2. depressive disorders and bipolar disorders

3. free floating anxiety

4. somatoform d/o

5. dissociative identity d/o

6. bipolar d/o