Tips For Your Test (the Chapter 17 part)

So, you've got a test coming up. You're wondering about that test (I hope).

What are some tips and suggestions that I might have for you? Well...

I would highly recommend knowing what disorders belong to what category in the DSM-IV. I would recommend reviewing my page on this - click here.

Also, when a time frame has been provided to you on a set of disorders, be familiar with that. For example - what's the difference between Acute Stress D/o & PTSD? Well, Acute Stress D/o has to abate w/in 1 month. After that, if it doesn't, you've got PTSD! So, I would highly recommend paying attention to the time frames provided for some disorders. Another example: the mood disorders: dysthymia & cyclothymia must present for 2 years before a diagnosis can be made.

Those story questions on the extra credit assignments? You can expect to see things like that again. Here's an example:

Mark is very distressed by the recurring thoughts that he keeps having about being a bad, evil person. To block these thoughts out and get rid of the distress that they cause, Mark constantly repeats a prayer in his mind, over and over, every day. What possible diagnosis could Mark have?

Well, Mark could possibly have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.