Who Said, Or Might Have Said?
In Chapter 1 of your textbook, a number of schools of psychology have been discussed. Listed below are some of the major names from these schools, as well as some sayings. See if you can match up each saying with the person who could have said them. The answers are listed at the bottom of the page. Good luck! (It might be a good idea to wait until we go over this subject in class. Also, it would be really helpful to read your book.) And remember, info on the web site isn't meant to replace coming to class, taking notes, and reading your book! It is supplemental in nature! Thanks!
A. Wilhelm Wundt
B. William James
C. Sigmund Freud
D. John Watson
1. In order to make psychology an objective science, we must be able to analyze sensations, images, feelings, and break them down into their basic elements.
2. Consciousness must have some biological utility to the organism or it would not have survived. The function of consciousness is to adapt human beings to their environment by allowing them to choose.
3. Psychology is the science of behavior and as such deals only with observable behavioral acts that can be objectively described in terms such as stimulus and response.
4. In everyday life unconscious ideas are struggling for expression; what might seem to be casual slips of the tongue are actually expressions of real, though unacknowledged motives.
1. Wilhelm Wundt - Wundt established the first psychological laboratory in 1879, thus ushering in psychology as a science. In his lab, Wundt investigated what the elements of the mind were and how they combined.
2. William James - James was a Functionalist. Functionalists were interested in learning about the function of the mind. Investigating the biological utility of consciousness would fit with their belief system. They would wonder "How does consciousness benefit humans?" They would ask the question: What is the function of consciousness?
3. Watson - Watson was a behaviorist. He did not believe in the study of the mind. He felt that psychologists should study only behavior.
4. Freud - Freud is the father of Psychoanalytic theory. He believed that ideas which cause us anxiety are repressed and held in the unconscious. But he said that the stuff in our unconscious can still influence our behavior!